Today’s picture is a baby photo of Jack taken on a plane trip to Florida. Throughout this time at SickKids, I’ve looked back on a lot of happy photos throughout his seven years and they always bring a smile to my face.
Yesterday was a step forward again, which was wonderful to see. He was more alert and stayed awake for most of the morning. Jack still has his feeding tube in but was able to eat a bit of ice cream and three french fries. Jack was also moved to a reclining chair for a bit yesterday, which really tired him out as he can’t even hold his head up on his own yet. Rehab is hard work! Jack’s body has been through so much and he still has lots of drugs in him, so it will take a lot of determination on his part over the coming weeks to get up and around. I know he can do it and can’t wait for the day when he can run down the hallway here!
The most exciting news though is that Jack has not had a single post-op seizure so far, which is incredible and hugely encouraging. While it is still early days and he has a long ways to go, Jack’s brain has finally been able to rest from seizures since Monday – the first period of time in six years. Prior to surgery, Jack had near constant seizure activity in his brain and his medical team described his left frontal lobe, the section that was removed, as “fried”. So there are no guarantees that the seizures won’t return, but for today we are hopeful and the possibility of Jack being cured is seeming more and more like a reality. Having lived with a heavy heart since his diagnosis and watching Jack bravely battle seizures every day for years, I can’t even comprehend the impact of a potential cure on Jack’s life and ours. It would be a dream come true.