Jack relaxing at home for the weekend!

Sunday 12:00

Jack is back home for the weekend and he is having so much fun with Christopher.  They have been having movie nights and we even went out to Chapters and Licks yesterday.  It is amazing to watch how people treat you when you are pushing a child in a wheelchair.  I’ve described it as being like the parting of the red sea!  Every time someone stares, I feel like saying “He’s OK.  He’s so much better now after his operations and he’s going to walk again!”  And at first I was a little sensitive about everyone staring, but I now realize that they are looks of compassion.

Jack has really made remarkable progress this week.  He is walking more, relying on his wheelchair less, taking less naps throughout the day, and starting to speak more.  He is even playing on the computer this weekend, so his fine motor skills are really coming back.  Overall, he is still weak and experiencing a lot of weakness on his right hand side, but he is getting stronger every day.  And the best part is that we have not seen a seizure in 26 days!  It is so incredible and makes all of this worth it.

Jack and I are headed back to Bloorview tonight and will next return home again on Friday.

Please continue to pray for Jack that he continues to be brave and that he has the determination to persevere throughout his gruelling daily therapies.  Despite my half marathon training, I don’t know if  I would have enough energy to handle his packed schedule – it’s tough!  🙂


5 Responses to “Jack relaxing at home for the weekend!”

  1. Lillian Boast says:

    Wow Jack! I am so thrilled to see you are relaxing at home! We miss you at school and hope you are all better soon!
    Love Mrs. Boast and your grade 2 friends!

  2. Gwen says:


    thanks for the updates. I know that must take a lot with all you are doing espeically when you are home for the weekends trying to cram in as much family time as possible. God bless you.

  3. Pam Leonard says:

    Hi there , whow I haven’t checked progress for a few days and can’t believe what
    I just saw on your Blog Jack you look wonderful, and how nice you can come home
    for weekends, we miss you all at Church but by the look of things it won’t be to
    long before you are back with us again.
    I am so glad to hear that your theraphy is going well and your being a good boy
    and doing all the exercises. Take care Jack we love you – Blessings to you and your
    family – Blessings – Auntie Pam

  4. Laura says:

    This is all such great news! Keep up the hard work.

  5. Tullio says:

    Hi Jack – hi my name is Tullio – I’m Isabella Bergagnini’s dad – Wow Jack – way to go!!! Keep it up. Can’t wait to see you running around in no time. To you and your mom, keep your faith and keep strong. The will and power of the mind is an incredible thing. Looking forward to you meeting Isabella soon!
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

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