Look how far he’s come!

Wednesday 7:45am                    

Looking at this picture with Jack in the ICU, where he had part of his skull off of his head for six days between surgeries and was unable to breath on his own following the second surgery, I am in awe of his recovery!  He is so unbelievable resilient and he continues to make progress every day.

The picture of Jack with the stuffed animal was at a Valentine’s Party at Bloorview.  They had cards, a photo booth, and other special activities for the children.  Jack had so much fun and really felt special there.

I can see more and more of my little sweet Jack returning every day.  He had a relaxing weekend at home and at one point when Christopher tried to wrestle with him, Jack hopped off the couch and chased him down the hallway!  He quickly sat down right afterwards, but it was the first spontaneous burst of energy and running that we’ve seen!  It nearly gave me at heart attack to watch, as my xray vision seemed to look right through Jack’s head to the titanium screws keeping his skull in place, but it was amazing to see his legs moving like that!!!

Jack is now back at Bloorview for the week and Grandma is with him again today.  I can’t wait to see him tomorrow and see his progress!

9 Responses to “Look how far he’s come!”

  1. Henry & Mary says:

    Nice picture of you. Also of your mom!
    Jack, it’s okay to get up to fight with your brother!
    Keep up that recovery spirit and they’ll have to run
    away from you.
    Your parents and grandma and grandpa are doing
    an awesome job. May your strength and peace and
    much hope come from the great Miracle Worker!
    Our prayers and best wishes are with you each
    step of the way!
    love, henry and mary

  2. Auntie Eleanor says:

    ‘Way to go’ ALL of you !
    Praise & thanks to an amazing God !
    We eagerly await news from you daily & share your happiness with every sign of progress.
    Continuing to remember you in prayer.
    love, A. Eleanor

  3. christy shake says:

    you are the luckiest mom in the world!

  4. June says:

    What wonderful news! I join you in your awe of Jack, his spirit and his resilience.
    Am sure that this is due in no small way to the support of his beloved family.
    Way to go Yeildings – Jack’s triumph belongs to you all. June

  5. Kimberly & Glen A says:

    Jodi! So pleased to see how far that wee boy is coming along!!! Praise the Lord!!
    Kimberly, Glen, Hayley and Faith

  6. Carol says:

    Jack, your progress never ceases to amaze me. You an your family are an inspiration.
    Continue to keep you in my prayers.

    Another Oakville Fan,

  7. Riley, Carolyn Wiebe and family says:

    It is so nice to see that Jack is well on his way to getting better. God is truly amazing!! We will continue to pray for all of you.

  8. Tamsin says:


  9. Anne McEachnie says:

    Jodie that is fantastic and Jack you are the miracle and I realy have know quite a few
    so you just keep on going. and Jodie he’l take your breath away but he will be a normal
    little boy, My Little Brother I know of alot people in town that are amazed on his progress.
    So FAITH can realy move the spirit to a possitiv action… Blessings Anne

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