Jack is stable enough today to be transferred from Sickids over to Bloorview Macmillan Rehab Centre!
We will be leaving this morning and Jack is excited about the car ride.
Jack will be staying inpatient at the rehab centre for 6-8 weeks, but may be able to come home for the weekends! That would be amazing and it would be great for him to have some normalcy to his life.
Please continue to pray for Jack’s recovery. He has taken several steps with assistance and I am so excited for the day when he can run down the hall.
Off to pack and transfer the 100+ cards on his hospital room walls!
Hi Jack,
So you’ve taken your first few steps, and now you’re off to Bloorview – there is no stopping you. I’m going to have to get back into training just to keep up with you.
Enjoy the car ride, and make sure they stop at Dairy Queen – you’ve got some ice-cream to get, remember!
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Mike 🙂
Way to go Jack!
Small steps lead to bigger steps.
Wishing all of you well as you make the transfer. Hope Jack can come home
weekends to be with the family.
love and prayers, henry & mary
Missed you yesterday, But that is good news Jack my little brother you are doing great
and Bloorview is a great place So you just keep on tricking those sparks and get the
strengh back cause I am waiting to see you and Ice cream it comes in handie anytime
but even better with friends. Love you. God speed .
Hi Jack and Jodi,
I am so pleased to hear about Jack’s progress. Jack, I have never seen such a long set of bravery beads!!! You must have been extremely brave to have all of those. We are thinking of you and pray for the day you can return home. Grandma keeps telling me how much better you are doing.
Hugs to all of your family from us,
The Hazen Family
We are so happy to see what wonderful progress Jack has made. What a brave little boy! We are always thinking about you and your family!
I am so happy to hear you are going on a special car ride today,
I hope you will like your new bedroom you can put up all your cards
again, work hard Jack we are all praying for you, I hope we will
still be able to write you notes.
Lots of love to Mummy, Daddy and Christopher
Auntie Pam
I missed you yesterday and am thrilled that it was a huge step today! Off to rehab, how wonderful. I hope you have received your last bravery bead on this long road. I hope you will keep getting more cards at the rehab centre or be able to get any that come to Sick Kids after you are gone so you can decorate your room at home too.
We will be thinking of you and knowing that with the strength of your family and friends and church community that you will be well before you know it.
Diane, Kevin, Owen & Rachel
Good for you Jack!!! You are doing so well. I worked closely with Bloorview with a student I worked with as he recovered from a head injury and made the transition back home and to his school. The staff at Bloorview were wonderful and it is a fantastic place with lots of caring professionals that will help you get better. Is there a new address where your fans can continue to mail you cards?
God Bless.
From : A fan in Oakville
Fantastic news! So glad that Jack is well enough to be transferred to Bloorview and able to start his rehabilitation. My nephew spent alot of time at Bloorview and I understand they are a really wonderful facility.
With all that is going on in your lives thanks for keeping all of Jack`s fans updated on your blog. It is just one more thing that truly shows your strength Jodi.
Is Jack able to play his beloved Nintendo DS yet?
Hoping that your little guy is doing better too, it just broke my heart to hear how much he misses his big brother.
Wishing Jack a very speedy recovery.
So happy to hear Jack’s progress!!!!
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family every day.
When Jack gets settled, please post his new room address so that we all can start to send letters and notes there.
Lots of love
Diana, Bernard and Ella
Hey Jack. It’s great seeing how well you are doing. You are the strongest and bravest little boy I have ever met. Get well soon and I can’t WAIT for your next Lemonade Day. Elisa and I send our love, strength, prayers hugs and kisses. Can’t wait to see you again. Margie
Hello Jack – well I was so pleased to hear that you were home for the
weekend and watching movies – one more step Jack – keep up the good
work – I expect Christopher enjoyed being with you again.
Take care and work hard at your therapy and school work – I too am
looking forward to your next LEMONADE DAY – Lots of love and blessings.
Auntie Pam